


Sabrinia is carefree, bubbly, and energetic. She tries to stay positive no matter what situation is thrown at her. Because of her sheltered life, she is curious about everything... Sabrinia has always wanted to make new friends.

Psychic Kitty

Psychic Kitty

Psychic Kitty is very compassionate towards others she cares about. When she took in Sabrinia, Psychic was there for her as a motherly figure. She’ll do anything to protect who she loves. When facing difficulties, Psychic takes things in a peaceful manner, not willing to injure anyone on accident or not.

Lily Seif

Lily Seif

Lily would leave everything and everyone behind to get proper recognition from those above her. As a commander, she is trusted to go onto patrols, watching after her accompanying soldiers. It’s rumored that each time she’s on patrols, they always seem to be gone by the time she gets back to her home, Firu Domain.



Geffory works with Lily and Earl on patrols throughout Oncen. He is very loud mouthed, and he doesn’t have a filter for what he says. Even so, he feels as if he's the black sheep of the bunch.



Earl works under Lily in her patrols. He doesn’t talk much, but he is a very good listener.



Midir is sort of a troublemaker, always out for fun and a good laugh. He’s a tough cookie. Can deal with just about anything and still come out of it like nothing happened. He is extremely protective over those whom he cares deeply about. He’s quick to forgive and forget, but on occasion he can hold nasty grudges.

The High Ruler

The High Ruler

The High Ruler is a silent tyrant. He works in the depths of his Kingdom, sending his underlings across Oncen in hopes of finding something once precious to him. No one has ever seen him or heard from him. He’d rather lay low so he can live his life alone with no complications. The only ones who have seen him are quite few. He only allows his highest Captains set foot in his workplace. Not a good guy, that’s for sure…